How does make money?

At, we're all about giving you the best info on healthcare education and careers. We think it's important you know how we make money, so here's the scoop:

We earn money by connecting students with schools. If you see an ad on our site for a college or a program and it says Sponsored that means we get a bit of money if you show interest in what they're offering.

You'll see these ads on different parts of our site, and if you click on one or ask for more info from a school we partner with, we might get paid. This money helps us keep all our great resources free for you to use.

Now, about our content: The money we make doesn't sway what we write or share. Our partner schools don't get any special treatment in our rankings or guides. We rank schools based on solid data from reliable sources, like the U.S. Department of Education.

We always check over our content to make sure it stays honest and helpful. Keeping your trust is super important to us, and we're committed to never messing that up.